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As you can see, my name is Jordan Stevens. I am the Director of Software Engineering for SmartBIM Technologies in Atlanta, Georgia. I build and manage teams of engineers, artists, and product owners. When I can, I develop much of the back-end innovation for our platform and the automation tools used for content production. I also spend a significant amount of time developing algorithms for rendering pipelines and physics calculations.
Before working at SmartBIM, I worked at an architectural visualization software firm called VIMTrek. While at VIMTrek I managed their automation pipeline, and developed an internal BRDF shading model for Physically Based Rendering to replace the PBR pipeline within Unity3D. I helped to build an exclusive partnership with Unity3D, providing tools and services for the AEC visualization industry. I also helped revolutionize the Autodesk Revit to Unity pipeline, cutting hundreds of hours off of the typical development process.
I am a graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design at the Atlanta, Georgia campus. I studied Interactive Design and Game Development with a focus on Technical Art and Pipeline Engineering.
As a Technical Artist, Graphics Programmer, Pipeline Engineer, and Director of Software Engineering I spend most of my time in management and research, learning new techniques and enhancing them where possible. I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge when it comes to technology and art. I try and ensure that my teams are armed with every tool and technology that will serve them best. This requires a lot of research into tools and processes.
I very much enjoy technical lectures, and have given a few myself. I enjoy teaching other developers as well as participating in collaborative work with other artists.
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